Intro to Computer Science. 2019-2020 Academic Year
Java Runtime Environment(JRE) is required in order to be able to launch programs listed here.
Fall Semester
Health Calculators (three versions)
A health calculator that determines health status based on Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist-to-Height Ratio (WtHR). It also provides an average energy requirement (kcal per day).
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A health calculator that determines health status based on Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist-to-Height Ratio (WtHR). It also provides an average energy requirement (kcal per day).
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A health calculator that determines health status based on Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist-to-Height Ratio (WtHR). It also provides an average energy requirement (kcal per day) and workout suggestions.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Word Scrambler
A word scrambler quiz program that gives you a fixed amount of time and a fixed number of attempts to guess a scrambled word.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A calculator that supports arithmetic operations, trigonometric and logarithmic functions, root and exponent calculation, in addition to some other interesting features.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Message Encryptor/Decryptor
A Caesar cipher message encryptor and decryptor that can save and load messages to and from files.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A fun-to-play blackjack game with an extremely friendly dealer.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Spring Semester
Tic Tac Toe
A Tic-Tac-Toe game where you can play against another human player or an AI.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Math Game
A nice math game where you can practice solving basic arithmetic problems.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Falcon Chat
A chat program with both a server and a client.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Film Detector
A quiz game where you test your knowledge of films.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A Whack-A-Mole game with some additional challenges.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.