Intro to Computer Science. 2021-2022 Academic Year (Spring Semester)
Java Runtime Environment(JRE) is required in order to be able to launch programs listed here.
Duel Champions
A card game, where players take turns to place a card on the battlefield, move a card or attack another card.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Tic Tac Toe
A tic-tac-toe game with a 5-by-5 field, where the player has to make a match of 4 to win.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Mini Games Collection
A collection of mini games that includes such games as tic-tac-toe, random number guesser, arithmetic game, etc.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Tile Puzzle
A puzzle game where the player can move the tiles to arrange them in the correct order.
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Click to Download.
Rock Scissors Paper
A rock-scissors-paper game with achievement rewards that the player receives as the game proceeds.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Mini Games Collection
A collection of mini games: dice game, slot machine, rock-scissors-paper.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
A sudoku game with three difficulty levels and a sudoku solver.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.
Currency Converter + GPA Calculator
A currency converter that allows the user to set exchange rates + a GPA calculator for 8 subjects.
Click to Download.
Click to Download.