
Lynxes are medium-sized predatory cats, which are also occasionally known as “bobcats.” These cats are characterized by small tufts of hair jutting from the tips of their ears. Different species of this cat range from North America to Eurasia. Read on to learn about the lynx.
These medium-sized cats range in weight from 7-66 lbs., depending on the species. They have short tails, hence the name “bobcat” for the U.S. variety. Their most recognizable feature is the tufts of hair jutting from the tips of their ears. Fur color varies by species, and ranges from tan to dark gray, with dark spots or stripes. Their chests and stomachs have white or cream colored fur.
Lynxes prefer to live in higher altitudes, typically in mountain ranges. They also tend to stick to densely vegetated areas with lots of shrubs, bushes, tall grass, and trees. Heavy vegetation provides cover for the animals while they stalk prey. They live mostly in temperate regions, and are infrequently found towards the polar or tropical zones.