"The Paradise of the rich is
made out of the hell of the poor"
*A series of missing children occurred in London in the late 17th century.
Tens of thousands of children have disappeared in London's slums over the past 50 years,
and the British royal family has mobilized soldiers to strengthen security,
but a series of disappearances have led to a flood of parents
looking for their lost children.
*The disappearance of the children was the work
of a heinous criminal group called The Compachicos.
They collected a child with a deformed body among the
nobles whose daily lives were boring and sold it to the nobles.
*Victor Hugo wrote "The Man Who Laughs" featuring Gwynplain,
whose mouth was distorted by Comprachicos to accuse
the scene of human rights abuses against the poor,
scathingly criticizing the incompetence of citizens
choosing excessive ignorance and obedience of the nobles.