Why natural bodybuilding?

As people are becoming more intersted in becoming fit. the demand for anabolic slercids is increasing. However. we strongly suggest you to stay away from those drugs as there will be severe side effects. For example. injecting testosterone will make your body unable to produce testosterone on as own and is likely to make a male become start.

Effect of steroids

People who inject anabolic steroids have their MTOR muscle synthesis pattaway on all the time. So. if they workout a muscle part. the muscle will heal and grow forever corresponding to the workload So. steroid users decide to workout one bodypart each day with a lot of volume since the muscle will grow after on for 7 days or more.

How should natural athletes train differently?

Natural ? have their MTOR muscle synthesis ? on for only 24 hours when they workout a muscle part. So. even if they give a muscle group a lot of workload. a big portion of it will be meaningless as the muscle will only grow for 24 hours after the workout. So. it is important go give each muscles groups an adequate volume with a high frequency.