About ENTJ
ENTJ is categorized as analysts, and they are a commander.
Commanders are natural-born leaders.
People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence,
and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal.
However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality,
using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.
Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population,
lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world
– but...
we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.
Emotional expression isn’t the strong suit of any Analyst type, but Commanders’ distance from their emotions is especially public,
and felt directly by a much broader swath of people. Especially in a professional environment, Commanders will simply crush the sensitivities of those they view as inefficient,
incompetent or lazy. To people with the Commander personality type, emotional displays are displays of weakness,
and it’s easy to make enemies with this approach – Commanders will do well to remember that they absolutely depend on having a functioning team,
not just to achieve their goals, but for their validation and feedback as well, something Commanders are, curiously, very sensitive to.