Dragons are cold-blooded creatures native to the Australian desert. They don’t generate their own body heat, so they need proper heating and lighting mimicking their natural habitat in order to survive. Many vets recommend a self ballasted mercury vapor UVB lamp because they emit heat along with UVB rays. It’s best to replace the UVB bulb every six months to ensure the best quality rays and heat for your dragon.

Another key component in giving your beardie a comfortable home is choosing the best flooring. There are quite a lot of options available, and unfortunately not all of them are safe. Sand, pebbles, rocks, walnut shells, and other substrates are dangerous and unhealthy for your bearded dragon. A reptile carpet is a great option for your dragon. It doesn’t cost much, it’s easy to clean, and most options you will find are designed to prevent odors.

Choosing the proper size tank for your bearded dragon helps them to feel comfortable and less stressed, especially in those first few weeks when you bring them home and they are adjusting to a whole new environment. A good size tank prevents glass surfing as well, which is often caused by dragons feeling too caged in. The size of your bearded dragon will help you determine the size of the enclosure. The standard size for bearded dragons is 40 gallons, although many adults are too big for this size and may become stressed. Adults over 16 inches long are recommended with 50 to 75 gallons, and adults over 20 inches long are recommended with 75 to 125 gallons.