This is the map of league of legends
Brief Information: The Top line is located in the top of the map and mostly Near-field Characters(Tanker, Dealer) go Top line.
Goal: Win 1vs1 battle with other top line player. Break enemy tower. After that, support other lines and be a tanker of team and win the game.
Difficulty: Easy ~ Normal/Hard
Brief Information: This line does not have certain line, but they can level up them in "Jungle Area", and they can support all lines in the map. The Characters in this line are mostly fast and hindrance other characters easily.
Goal: Kill the jungle monsters and upgrade their level. After that, moving whole map and support all lines, so all lines can beat enemy more easily.
Hidden Mission: In LOL field there has speacial monsters that effects in game a lot. Therefore, Jungle line have to hunt them and help team to win.
Difficulty: Normal ~ Hard
Brief Information: This line is located in the middle of the map, and they all shortest line that could go to other. Therefore, this line is the most important line and this line effects the game a lot. Also, the characters in this line are mostly have low health but they have strong dealing.
Goal: Win other mid enemy and they can easily go to other lines, so they can support other lines similar to Jungle line and win the game.
Difficulty: Hard ~ Very Hard

Brief Information: This line is located in bottom line in the map. Characters go to this line use strong and long range attacks, so they are very important in this game.
Goal: Win other Adc enemy and attack enemies as much as can and try not to make other enemy come close.
Difficulty: Very Hard

Brief Information: This line also located in bottom. They play in same line with ADC. Characters in this line have high health and they can easily interfere with the enemy's movement.
Goal: Help other enemies come closer to ADC and protect them to be safe from others.
Difficulty: Very Easy ~ Normal