Beautiful Island, Dokdo

There are numerous efforts to publicize Dokdo. One of them is Dokdo Stationery.
It sells products with designs related to Dokdo, such as Korean sea lions, Dokdo shrimp, and the island itself! Dokdo Stationery sells goods such as post-its, notebooks, cups, clothings, and bags.

Another effort to advertise Dokdo is performances.
"Remember-Dokdo and Its story" is a musical that was created in 2013 and has been performed until today. It mainly tells the story of the extinct Korean sea lions that used to live in Dokdo. With some historical facts, such as brutal Japanese illegally hunted Korean sea lions, it is one well-made musical.

Dokdo Store

Check out the Dokdo Store!

October 25th is declared as the "Dokdo Day."

Check out the musical, "Remember-Dokdo and Its Story!"