Early Video Games
Video Games have come a very long way compared to when they first came out. Nim is one of the earliest examples of a videogame. Although not fully a "videogame", it first used the "video component" and used it in a game. Another early popular video game is Pong. At the beginning of the 1970s, a new kind of video gaming component was made, the arcade. These games include Pac-Man, Galaga, and much more.
Late 1990s and Early 2000s
Up until this time poing, most games were 2d, whether it be platform, adventure, or any genre. However, a huge breakthrough was made. The idea of 3D was introduced. Of course, 3D games were not very common. However, they were very popular. This includes arguably one of the Mario frachises best games, Super Mario 64. However, starting from the 2000s, the concept of 3D were to blow. Games such as The Sims and Counter-strike were created, and tehy still up to this day, are very popular.
Late 2000s and Early 2010s
Starting from this point, the concept of 3D was widely used in most video games. They also started to look much better. For example, Super Mario Galaxy was much better resolution-wise compared to Super Mario 64. In addition, in this time period, one of the best selling videogames was created, Minecraft. However, games were about to gain another type of new concept.
Late 2010s and Early 2020s
In this time period, the concept of VR was starting become more popularized. Although not yet used universally, it may have potential to be the next breakthrough in the videogame industry. Otherwise, there were more additions to the 3D games. Im this time period, games had much better resoultion and realness. However, the popularity they faced with the older generation started dying down.