Age Of Ultron

In the Eastern European country of Sokovia, the Avengers - Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Steve Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Bruce Banner / Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Clint Barton / Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) - raid a Hydra outpost commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker (Thomas Kretschmann), who has been experimenting on humans using the sceptre previously wielded by Loki.

They encounter two of Strucker's experiments: the Maximoff twins Pietro (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), who has superhuman speed, and Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen), who has telekinetic abilities, and can manipulate minds and project energy. Rogers captures Strucker, while Stark retrieves the sceptre after Wanda implants a fear-filled vision of a bleak possible future in his mind.

Back at the team's headquarters - Avengers Tower (formerly Stark Tower) - Stark and Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the sceptre's gem, and secretly plan to use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defence program. After many failed attempts, they leave for a victory party to celebrate the recapture of the sceptre. Unbeknownst to them, the program comes to life...

The unexpectedly sentient Ultron (James Spader) awakens, believing that he must eradicate humanity to save the Earth, and overwhelms Stark's AI, JARVIS (Paul Bettany). In the guise of one of Stark's Iron Legion robot drones, Ultron attacks the Avengers as they relax together after their party. Escaping with the sceptre, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. After killing Strucker, he then meets and recruits the Maximoff twins, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths due to weapons manufactured by his company.

The trio goes to the base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) in an African shipyard to obtain Wakandan vibranium. The Avengers pursue them there, but Wanda subdues all of them except Stark and Barton with haunting visions, causing Banner as the Hulk to rampage through a nearby city until Stark stops him with his Hulk-buster armour. A worldwide backlash over the resulting destruction and the fears incited by Wanda's hallucinations send the team into hiding at Barton's safehouse, where they meet his wife and children, who had been kept a secret from all of them except Romanoff.

Seeing no answers to be found there, Thor departs to consult with his friend Dr Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) on the meaning of the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination, while Romanoff and Banner discuss the possibility of fleeing together after realising their mutual attraction. However, Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) arrives and encourages the team to fight back and stop Ultron.

In Seoul, Ultron forces the Avengers' friend and ally Dr. Helen Cho (Claudia Kim) to use her synthetic-tissue technology, together with vibranium and the sceptre's gem, to perfect a new body for him. As Ultron uploads himself into the synthetic body, Wanda is then able to read his mind, and discovers his plan to annihilate humanity. Horrified, the Maximoffs turn on Ultron and join forces with Rogers to distract him while Romanoff and Barton retrieve the synthetic body. However, Ultron captures Romanoff while Barton reluctantly takes the body back to Stark and Banner at Avengers Tower, followed by Rogers and the twins.

The Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark secretly uploads JARVIS - who is still operational after hiding from Ultron deep within the Internet - into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow - one of the six Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in existence - was part of his vision.

This "Vision" (Paul Bettany) - proving himself a worthy ally by effortlessly lifting Thor's hammer Mjolnir - and the Maximoff twins accompany the Avengers back to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground and cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who pushes him into a pit to rouse the Hulk for the battle.

The Avengers face off against Ultron's army of drones, while Fury arrives in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), James Rhodes / War Machine (Don Cheadle) and other SHIELD agents to evacuate the civilians. While the other Avengers go to help with the evacuation, Wanda accepts the task to guard the machine from activation by Ultron's drones. However Ultron steals the Avengers' Quinjet and goes on a strafing run in a desperate attempt to stop the evacuation.

Pietro is killed when he shields Barton from Ultron's gunfire. The Hulk leaps into the Quinjet and forcibly evicts Ultron - leaving him vulnerable to a vengeful Wanda, who abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body. This then allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city begins to plummet, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and destroy the landmass, with the Vision swooping in to rescue Wanda. The Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in the Quinjet, while the Vision confronts and destroys Ultron's last remaining body.

Later, the Avengers have established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig. Barton returns home to his family, and Thor returns to Asgard to learn more about the forces which he suspects have manipulated recent events, while Stark also leaves the team. Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train the new team of Avengers: James Rhodes, the Vision, Sam Wilson / Falcon (Anthony Mackie), and Wanda.

In a mid-credits scene, Thanos, dissatisfied by the failures of his pawns, dons the Infinity Gauntlet and vows to retrieve the Infinity Stones personally...

(Ultron in the Age of Ultron) HE WAS ORIGINALLY A MYSTERY VILLAIN. HE WAS IN LOVE WITH WASP. HE CREATED VISION AS AN AMALGAM OF TWO SUPERHEROES. HE CREATED A GIRLFRIEND FOR HIMSELF. HE ONCE BECAME A WOMAN. HE HAS SUPER SPEED. (Ironman in the Age of Ulttron) Tony Stark was based off of millionaire industrialist Howard Hughes. Stark has a piece of shrapnel near his heart. His magnetic chest plate keeps the shrapnel from reaching his heart and killing him. He must recharge the chest plate every day or die. He also built specialized suits for other environments like deep sea diving and space travel. He graduated from MIT with multiple degrees when he was 21 years old. He is friends with Captain America. Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man in the movie version. (Captian America in the Age of Ultron) He's brithday is literally the 4th of July. THE CAPTAIN AMERICA IDENTITY HAS BEEN HELD BY 12 OTHER PEOPLE. HE ONCE WON AN ART AWARD. HE CAN RUN A MILE IN ONE MINUTE. HE WASN’T ACTUALLY A MEMBER OF THE ORIGINAL AVENGERS. BEFORE THE SERUM, STEVE WAS ALWAYS SICK. CAP CAN BECOME AN EXPERT IN ANY WEAPON IN SECONDS. (Wanda Maximoff in the Age of Ultron) She Was Originally A Super-Villain. Her Tragic Attempt At Having A Family With Vision. She IS The ‘Nexus’ Of The Marvel Universe. Wanda has the ability to harness magic, which typically presents itself in telekinesis, telepathy and energy manipulation/projection. (Quicksilver in the Age of Ultron)Marvel And Fox Have Joint Custody. He's The Son Of Magneto. His Twin Sister Is Scarlet Witch. His Personality Reflects His Powers. He Can Think At Super-Human Speeds. (Thor in the Age of Ultron) Nordic legend tells the tale of the son of Odin, the heir to the throne of Asgard - he is THOR, renowned as the mightiest hero of mythology! Thor's strength, endurance, and quest for battle are far greater than his Asgardian brethren. The mighty Thor wields an enchanted Uru hammer, Mjolnir, and is master of thunder and lightning. (Hulk in the Age of Ultron) In the first two issues, Bruce Banner didn’t need to lose his temper to become the Hulk. The transformation only happened at night.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green. (Blackwidow in the Age of Ultron) She's 90 Years Old. She Is Biologically Enhanced. She Was Implanted With Fake Memories. She Is A Classically Trained Ballerina… Maybe. She Was Trained By The Winter Soldier. She Was Able To Lift Mjolnir. Scarlett Johansson Had 3 Stunt Doubles To Hide Her Pregnancy. She Used To Have Black Hair. Hawkeye Took Her Life. (Hawkeye in the Age of Ultron) First Introduced As A Villain. His Bow Has A 250 Pound Draw Weight. He Was Orphaned At A Young Age.  Inspired By Iron Man. Black Widow Seduced And Manipulated Him. He Had The Hots For Scarlet Witch.  Chairman Of The West Coast Avengers. (Loki in the Age of Ultron) He Originally Had Red Hair And No Connection To Thor. He Has Been A Woman. He Is Dead. He Was Reborn As Kid Loki. He Can't Swim. In The MCU, He Was Inspired By Clint Eastwood And Jack Nicholson. Fans Originally Wanted Josh Hartnett To Play Loki. There Is A Theory That He Won In The Avengers. (Vision in the Age of Ultron) Vision is not a robot, but a synthezoid. He's human in every physical way except that he was artificially constructed.  Ultron is Vision's dad. In the comics, Ultron and Dr. Phineas Horton created the Vision from the android The Human Torch.  In the comics, Tony Stark's human butler Jarvis was hypnotized by Ultron into betraying the Avengers. Paul Bettany played Tony Stark's computer butler J.A.R.V.I.S. in Avengers. In the comics, Ultron tries to use Vision to attack the Avengers. (Thanos in the Age of Ultron) He's An Eternal From Titan, Born With Deviant Syndrome. He Killed His Family. He's Romantically Obsessed With Death. In The Comics, Drax Was Created To Kill Him. He Has Multiple Children. He's Had Multiple Clones. Thanos' Name Is A Modification Of Thanatos, The Death Urge.