Infinity War

Thanos and his Children - Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian - have attacked Thor's Asgardian ship in search of the Space Stone, which is housed in the Tesseract that Loki had stolen before Asgard's destruction. With Thanos already possessing the Power Stone after decimating Xandar, Thanos' army swiftly defeats the Asgardians. After a futile counter-attack from the Hulk, Loki offers the Tesseract to Thanos in exchange for Thor's life - only to be killed himself when Thanos anticipates Loki's attempt to betray and kill him. Moments before Glaive kills him, Heimdall uses the power of the Bifrost to send Hulk to Earth. Thanos and his Children then depart just after Thanos uses the Power stone to destroy the ship, leaving a mourning Thor behind and stranded in space.

Hulk crash lands at the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City and is reverts back to Bruce Banner, who informs Stephen Strange and Wong about Thanos' impending arrival. Strange and Banner contact Tony Stark and brief him about the Infinity Stones and Thanos. Realizing they must find Vision to protect the Mind Stone embedded in his head, Stark realizes he must make contact with Steve Rogers to find Vision, who has gone off the grid with Wanda Maximoff. Just then, Maw and Obsidian arrive in New York to seize the Time Stone from Strange, and Stark, Strange, Wong and Peter Parker confront them. Having been traumatized by his defeat at the hands of Thanos, Banner finds himself unable to transform into the Hulk and help in the battle. Maw incapacitates and captures Strange; Stark and Parker pursue his spaceship off Earth while Wong stays behind to protect the Sanctorum. Banner contacts the rest of the Avengers.

In Scotland, where Wanda Maximoff and Vision have been hiding, the two are ambushed by Midnight and Glaive, but Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson fight them off. They decide to seek shelter in the Avengers Facility in Upstate New York, where they meet James Rhodes, who is once again mobile with bionic leg braces. Vision proposes that Maximoff destroy the Stone in his forehead to keep Thanos from retrieving it. Wanda immediately refuses however Rogers suggests that they travel to the one place that has the technology to safely remove the stone from Vision without killing him: Wakanda.

In Scotland, where Wanda Maximoff and Vision have been hiding, the two are ambushed by Midnight and Glaive, but Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson fight them off. They decide to seek shelter in the Avengers Facility in Upstate New York, where they meet James Rhodes, who is once again mobile with bionic leg braces. Vision proposes that Maximoff destroy the Stone in his forehead to keep Thanos from retrieving it. Wanda immediately refuses however Rogers suggests that they travel to the one place that has the technology to safely remove the stone from Vision without killing him: Wakanda.

Stark and Parker rescue Strange from Maw's torture chamber, and launch Maw out of the ship, killing him. Strange believes they should retreat to protect the Time Stone but Stark disagrees; he believes they should take the fight to Thanos instead of retreating like they've done in the past. The three leave to confront Thanos on Titan, where they meet Quill, Drax and Mantis and formulate a plan to remove Thanos' gauntlet. While discussing their tactics, Strange uses the Time Stone to view alternate futures, telling them he'd seen 14,000,605 of them, with only one where the Avengers win. Thanos teleports to Titan, where, after a brief conversation with Strange meant to distract him, the group engage Thanos hand-to-hand and manage to subdue him. Mantis is able to calm Thanos while Peter and Tony attempt to pry the gauntlet from his arm. Quill and Nebula, who'd arrived on Titan during the battle, deduce that Gamora is dead; an enraged Quill retaliates, hitting Thanos and breaking the group's hold on him. Thanos takes the gauntlet back and defeats the group, threatening to kill Stark unless Strange gives him the Time Stone. Strange does so and tells Tony they've "entered the end game." Thanos adds the stone to his gauntlet and departs Titan.

Thor, Rocket and Groot arrive at an abandoned and desolate Nidavellir. Thor is puzzled that the giant forge is inactive. The giant dwarf Eitri tells them that Thanos forced the dwarves to create his gauntlet; in return, Thanos killed all the dwarves except for Eitri. After laboring to reactivate the forge and reignite the neutron star that powers it, the four create Stormbreaker, a battle axe that serves as Thor's new weapon and grants him the power of the Bifrost. Meanwhile, the Avengers arrive in Wakanda and task Shuri with safely extracting the Mind Stone from Vision. Thanos' Outrider army arrives and begins attacking Wakanda, and the Avengers, alongside the united Wakandan armies led by King T'Challa, mount a defense against Thanos' forces. Glaive infiltrates Shuri's lab and attacks Vision. The Outriders begin overwhelming the defending armies before Thor, Rocket and Groot arrive to join the battle. The tide seems to be turning for the Avengers, Midnight, Obsidian and Glaive are killed, but Thanos arrives for the Mind Stone. A tearful Maximoff destroys the still-implanted Mind Stone in Vision to prevent Thanos from retrieving it, but Thanos uses the Time Stone to reverse the event and pry out the Mind Stone from Vision, killing him again. Thor attacks and drives Stormbreaker into Thanos' chest, but Thanos survives long enough to snap his fingers with the gauntlet. On a faraway world he finds Gamora as a child. When he confirms that he achieved his goal, she asks him what it cost. His answer is "Everything." Back on Earth, Thor looks on in horror as Thanos, his gauntlet now battered from the effort and his left arm and part of his chest burned, teleports away.

Thanos' goal of eradicating half of all life in the universe comes to fruition as people begin disintegrating; Bucky Barnes, Groot, Peter Parker, Quill, Dr Strange, T'Challa, Sam Wilson, Drax, Mantis and Wanda Maximoff all dissolve into ash. In Wakanda, only Rogers, Thor, Banner, Romanoff, James Rhodes, Rocket, Okoye and M'Baku remain of the heroes. On Titan, only Nebula and Stark are left alive. Thanos awakens fully healed on another lush, green planet and serenely watches the sunset, smiling slightly, satisfied at having achieved his ultimate goal.

In a post-credits scene, the Earth is in chaos as people begin dissolving into ash; driverless cars crash on the street and a helicopter is seen crashing into a skyscraper and exploding. Former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury and Deputy Director Maria Hill witness the scene on the street before they dissolve themselves. Before he vanishes, Fury manages to send a final distress signal to Captain Marvel.

(Thanos in Infinity War) He's An Eternal From Titan, Born With Deviant Syndrome. He Killed His Family. He's Romantically Obsessed With Death. In The Comics, Drax Was Created To Kill Him. He Has Multiple Children. He's Had Multiple Clones. Thanos' Name Is A Modification Of Thanatos, The Death Urge. (Ironman in Infinity War) Tony Stark was based off of millionaire industrialist Howard Hughes. Stark has a piece of shrapnel near his heart. His magnetic chest plate keeps the shrapnel from reaching his heart and killing him. He must recharge the chest plate every day or die. He also built specialized suits for other environments like deep sea diving and space travel. He graduated from MIT with multiple degrees when he was 21 years old. He is friends with Captain America. Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man in the movie version. (Black Panther in Infinity War) He Is a Leader of the Wakanda Tribe. He Was Married to Storm. His Superpowers Come from a Heart-shaped Herb. He Was Almost Called Coal Tiger. Marvel decided it was best to change the name of a key character from the Black Panther comic who is featured in the film. The character of M’Baku is actually named Man-Ape in the comic, and is often covered in fur and wears an ape mask. I think it’s pretty clear why Marvel thought some viewers might have an issue with that. (Black Widow in Infinity War) She's 90 Years Old. She Is Biologically Enhanced. She Was Implanted With Fake Memories. She Is A Classically Trained Ballerina… Maybe. She Was Trained By The Winter Soldier. She Was Able To Lift Mjolnir. Scarlett Johansson Had 3 Stunt Doubles To Hide Her Pregnancy. She Used To Have Black Hair. Hawkeye Took Her Life. (Captian America in Infinity war) He's brithday is literally the 4th of July. THE CAPTAIN AMERICA IDENTITY HAS BEEN HELD BY 12 OTHER PEOPLE. HE ONCE WON AN ART AWARD. HE CAN RUN A MILE IN ONE MINUTE. HE WASN’T ACTUALLY A MEMBER OF THE ORIGINAL AVENGERS. BEFORE THE SERUM, STEVE WAS ALWAYS SICK. CAP CAN BECOME AN EXPERT IN ANY WEAPON IN SECONDS. (Gamora in Infinity War) SHE WASN'T A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. SHE'S MORE LINKED TO ADAM WARLOCK THAN STAR-LORD. HER RACE WASN'T ELIMINATED BY THANOS. SHE WAS ACTUALLY VERY LOYAL TO THE MAD TITAN AT FIRST. LIKE NEBULA, GAMORA ALSO RECEIVED CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS. SHE COULD HAVE FOILED THANOS' PLANS BY DESTROYING TWO INFINITY STONES. GAMORA BRIEFLY WIELDED THE TIME STONE. SHE TRIED CLAIMING ANOTHER INFINITY STONE FOR HERSELF. GAMORA ALSO TRIED ENDING STAR-LORD'S LIFE. (Groot in Infinity war) He Has The Power Of Elasticity And Plasticity. He Can Rebuild And Regenerate Himself. He Can Lift Thor's Hammer. He Descends From Royalty. He Hunted Humans. He's Possibly The Last Of His Kind. When He Regenerates He Loses His Memory. Vin Diesel Also Voiced Baby Groot. He's Become Venom. He Could Actually Talk In Some Comics. He Was Exiled From Planet X. He Was Captured By S.H.E.I.L.D. Not Everyone Can Understand His Language. He Sacrificed Himself For The Guardians. He Can Control Plants. He Was Evaporated By Thanos' Snap. (Hulk in Infinity War) In the first two issues, Bruce Banner didn’t need to lose his temper to become the Hulk. The transformation only happened at night.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green. (Loki in Infinity war) He Originally Had Red Hair And No Connection To Thor. He Has Been A Woman. He Is Dead. He Was Reborn As Kid Loki. He Can't Swim. In The MCU, He Was Inspired By Clint Eastwood And Jack Nicholson. Fans Originally Wanted Josh Hartnett To Play Loki. There Is A Theory That He Won In The Avengers. (Spiderman in Infinity War) The Mysterio Costume Was Featured In More Scenes At Jake Gyllenhaal’s Request. Tom Holland Has To Wear A Thong Under The Spider-Man Costume. The Vulture Was Supposed To Appear In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 4. Mysterio’s Suit Is An Actual Motion-Capture Suit. The First Assistant Editor Voiced E.D.I.T.H. The Failure Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Led Spidey Into The MCU. Jake Gyllenhaal Almost Played Peter Parker In Spider-Man 2. (Thor in Infinity war) Nordic legend tells the tale of the son of Odin, the heir to the throne of Asgard - he is THOR, renowned as the mightiest hero of mythology! Thor's strength, endurance, and quest for battle are far greater than his Asgardian brethren. The mighty Thor wields an enchanted Uru hammer, Mjolnir, and is master of thunder and lightning. (Vision in Infinity war) Vision is not a robot, but a synthezoid. He's human in every physical way except that he was artificially constructed.  Ultron is Vision's dad. In the comics, Ultron and Dr. Phineas Horton created the Vision from the android The Human Torch.  In the comics, Tony Stark's human butler Jarvis was hypnotized by Ultron into betraying the Avengers. Paul Bettany played Tony Stark's computer butler J.A.R.V.I.S. in Avengers. In the comics, Ultron tries to use Vision to attack the Avengers. (Wanda in Infinity War)  She Was Originally A Super-Villain. Her Tragic Attempt At Having A Family With Vision. She IS The ‘Nexus’ Of The Marvel Universe. Wanda has the ability to harness magic, which typically presents itself in telekinesis, telepathy and energy manipulation/projection.