In the opening, Clint Barton is teaching his daughter archery on his secluded farm while his wife prepares a picnic lunch for them. Suddenly, Clint's daughter vanishes and the rest of Clint's family disintegrates, along with half of all life across the universe, the result of Thanos' snapping his fingers after acquiring all six Infinity Stones. Nebula and Tony Stark are stranded in space following their defeat by Thanos on Titan, but are returned to Earth by Carol Danvers and reunited with Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Rocket, Thor, and James Rhodes. The team formulates a plan to steal the Infinity Stones back from Thanos and use them to reverse his actions, but learn upon finding him that he had used the stones a second time to destroy them, preventing their further use. He tells the remaining Avengers that he did so to avoid using the Stones for further nefarious purposes. Enraged, Thor cuts off Thanos' head, saying it's what he should have done in Wakanda.

Five years later, Scott Lang escapes from the quantum realm to discover that his daughter Cassie is now a teenager and that Hope van Dyne, along with half of the population, has disappeared in the snap. Rogers has been leading grief counseling sessions for survivors still struggling with the effects of the snap, while Romanoff is tirelessly keeping watch over both Earth and the rest of the universe with the help of Rhodes, Danvers, Okoye, Rocket, and Nebula. Lang goes to Romanoff and Rogers, and explains that while five years had passed for them, only five hours had passed for him in the quantum realm and the difference in time factors there. The three go to Stark, who is now raising a child with Pepper Potts, and explain their theory that the quantum realm can be used to go back in time and steal the Infinity Stones before Thanos is able to collect them. Stark initially rejects their proposal with concern about risking his family and the peace he has found, but after reflecting upon the loss of Peter Parker decides to test theoretical models that would work with Lang's quantum tunnel, eventually finding one that works.

With Stark now on board with the plan, the remaining Avengers set out to reassemble their team. Bruce Banner has now embraced the Hulk as a part of him, and has melded his own consciousness and the Hulk's together into one. Romanoff, after hearing reports from Rhodes of an assassin that operates with similar methods to Barton, goes the Japan to track him down. Barton, consumed with grief after the loss of his family, has been operating under the mantle "Ronin" while brutally massacring cartels and gangs in order to try and improve the world that's still left. Natasha finds him in Japan and after some convincing, he agrees to rejoin the team in order to try and bring his family back. Banner and Rocket go to the small town of New Asgard, where Valkyrie and the last survivors of Asgard have settled. They there find Thor, who has become overwhelmed by guilt over failing to kill Thanos in Wakanda. Thor has become overweight, his hair and beard are overgrown, and he spends his free time eating junk food, getting drunk, and playing Fortnite with his friends Korg and Miek. Thor begrudgingly agrees to return to the Avengers after some convincing from Rocket and Banner.

After testing the quantum time machine on Barton, who confirms that it works, The Avengers are reunited with a plan - Banner, Rogers, Lang, and Stark embark to retrieve the Time, Mind, and Space stones during the battle of New York in 2012. Banner goes to the Sanctum Sanctorum, where he is informed by the Ancient One that taking the Time Stone from her time line would prevent Stephen Strange's future efforts to stop Kaecilius from destroying the laws of nature. She eventually concedes the Time Stone to Banner after he informs her that Strange had given Thanos the stone in his time line, implying Strange had intended for a specific sequence of events to occur for Thanos to be defeated. Banner also promises the stones' return to their proper time lines in order to prevent any ill effects. Lang and Stark attempt to steal the Space Stone after the Avengers confiscate it from Loki. Lang gives Stark's past self a cardiac arrest by pulling a circuit in his artificial heart, while Stark steals the briefcase housing the Tesseract when nobody is looking. Their plan is thwarted when Stark drops the briefcase after he is accidentally hit by the Hulk. Loki then steals the Space Stone and uses it to escape custody. Rogers succeeds in stealing the Mind Stone from undercover Hydra agents, but stumbles across his past self, who mistakes him for a disguised Loki. After defeating past-Steve, Rogers meets back up with Stark and Lang, who now must figure out another way to get the Space Stone without running out of the limited supply of Pym Particles that allow them to travel through the quantum realm. Lang returns to the present with the Mind Stone while Rogers and Stark devise a plan to steal the Space Stone from a U.S. Army installation in the 1970s, while stealing further vials of Pym Particles in order to make the journey back home. While there, Rogers sights Peggy Carter and Stark has an meaningful conversation with his father Howard.

Rocket and Thor travel to Asgard to retrieve the Reality Stone before Malekith uses it against the Nine Realms. While in Asgard, Thor is reminded that his mother, Frigga, would die soon and has a chance encounter with her while Rocket steals the Aether, the vaporized version of the Reality Stone, from Jane Foster. The two return to Earth after Frigga counsels Thor and he retrieves his hammer Mjolnor, elated to discover that he is still worthy of it. Nebula and Rhodes travel to Morag to steal the Power Stone before Peter Quill does. As Rhodes returns to the present with the Power Stone, Nebula malfunctions and remains on Morag. With two consciousnesses operating on Nebula's systems, Thanos and Ebony Maw discover the presence of future Nebula and go to kidnap her. Nebula realizes what has happened and tries to warn the others, but is too late. Thanos scans her memories and discovers the Avengers' plan, and sends the more loyal past Nebula back to the present as a spy. Barton and Romanoff travel to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone, though are conflicted when Red Skull, keeper of the Soul Stone, informs them that the stone can only be retrieved by sacrificing someone they love. The two fight over which will make the sacrifice, with Romanoff ultimately taking the fall, while a distraught Barton returns to Earth with the Soul Stone.

After everyone has returned to the present on Earth, Stark, Rocket, and Banner set out to craft a gauntlet to wield the stones, one constructed from the same nanotech of Stark's latest Iron Man suit. Banner volunteers himself to wield the gauntlet and bring back everyone that disappeared in Thanos's snap, reasoning that he can withstand both the gamma radiation and the immense pain brought on by using the stones. He succeeds, though they are almost immediately attacked by Thanos, who has been brought to Earth by the impostor Nebula, destroying the quantum portal in the process. Thanos reduces the Avengers headquarters to rubble, splitting the team up and causing the gauntlet to fall into Barton's protection. The past Nebula is killed by her future self as she attempts to take the Infinity Stones from Barton, while Rogers, Thor, and Stark confront Thanos, who decides he will instead use the Infinity Stones to destroy the universe and create one in his vision. The three fight Thanos one on one, with Rogers confirming Thor's theory that he is worthy of wielding Mjolnor, but are each bested by Thanos. Soon after Thanos' army lands on Earth, T'Challa appears before Rogers, along with all of the Avengers and other allies revived by Banner, before launching an assault on Thanos and his army. After a lengthy battle during which Stark is reunited with Parker and Quill is reunited with past Gamora, Thanos wrestles with numerous Avengers for the Infinity Stones. When he's bound by Wanda Maximoff's energy, Thanos orders Glaive to have his ship fire multiple energy blasts, nearly devastating the Avengers' efforts. Captain Marvel reappears, taking out Thanos' ship while fighting for control of the gauntlet. Using the nanotech from the new gauntlet, Stark maneuvers the Infinity Stones from Thanos' hand to his own and uses them to turn Thanos and his entire army into dust, triumphantly stating "I am Iron Man." Parker and Potts console Stark as he dies from exposure to the Stones' radiation.

Following the battle, The Avengers hold a funeral for Stark, whose Mark I arc reactor is floated out on the lake next to his house. Barton and Wanda Maximoff take solace in the fact that Romanoff and Vision, who did not return in the snap, would be proud of their victory over Thanos. Thor makes Valkyrie the Queen of Asgard and joins the Guardians of the Galaxy in order to find his true purpose, free of the burden of royalty and leadership for the first time in his life. Barton returns home to his family and Parker returns to school, where he is reunited with his best friend Ned. Meanwhile, Rogers is tasked to go into the past to return the stones and Thor's hammer to their original time lines, but decides not to return to the present and to instead live the rest of his life in the past with Carter. He reappears before Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes as an old man, and passes his shield and the mantle of Captain America on to Wilson. A brief flashback shows Rogers and Carter finally sharing the dance they never got to have in their living room, truly happy at last.

(Ironman in endgame) Tony Stark was based off of millionaire industrialist Howard Hughes. Stark has a piece of shrapnel near his heart. His magnetic chest plate keeps the shrapnel from reaching his heart and killing him. He must recharge the chest plate every day or die. He also built specialized suits for other environments like deep sea diving and space travel. He graduated from MIT with multiple degrees when he was 21 years old. He is friends with Captain America. Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man in the movie version. (Captian America in endgame) He's brithday is literally the 4th of July. THE CAPTAIN AMERICA IDENTITY HAS BEEN HELD BY 12 OTHER PEOPLE. HE ONCE WON AN ART AWARD. HE CAN RUN A MILE IN ONE MINUTE. HE WASN’T ACTUALLY A MEMBER OF THE ORIGINAL AVENGERS. BEFORE THE SERUM, STEVE WAS ALWAYS SICK. CAP CAN BECOME AN EXPERT IN ANY WEAPON IN SECONDS. (Thor in endgame) Nordic legend tells the tale of the son of Odin, the heir to the throne of Asgard - he is THOR, renowned as the mightiest hero of mythology! Thor's strength, endurance, and quest for battle are far greater than his Asgardian brethren. The mighty Thor wields an enchanted Uru hammer, Mjolnir, and is master of thunder and lightning. (Hawkeye in endgame) First Introduced As A Villain. His Bow Has A 250 Pound Draw Weight. He Was Orphaned At A Young Age.  Inspired By Iron Man. Black Widow Seduced And Manipulated Him. He Had The Hots For Scarlet Witch.  Chairman Of The West Coast Avengers. (Hulk in endgame) In the first two issues, Bruce Banner didn’t need to lose his temper to become the Hulk. The transformation only happened at night.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green.  The Hulk was grey in the first issue, not green. However, Marvel realized that grey aged inconsistently, which made Hulk seem black or white in some panels. It was decided from then on that the Hulk would be green. (Falcon in endgame)  He Is The First African-American Superhero. He’s An Orphan. He Is A Politician + A Social Worker. He Can Communicate With Birds. He Crossed Paths With Red Skull. He Became Captain America. His Wings Were Designed By Black Panther. His Real Name Is Clarence(in 8 miles). (War Machine in endgame) Don Cheadle Wasn't The First To Play The Role In The MCU. In An Early Draft Of The First Iron Man Movie, Tony's Father Howard Stark Was The Main Villain, Calling Himself War Machine. James Rhodes Originally Met Tony Stark During The Vietnam War. Rhodes Took Over As Iron Man Years Before He Became War Machine. The Iron Man Suit Caused Him To Become Aggressive And Paranoid. He Became CEO Of Stark Enterprises After Tony Stark Faked His Death. He Became A Cyborg. (Scarlet Witch in endgame)  She Was Originally A Super-Villain. Her Tragic Attempt At Having A Family With Vision. She IS The ‘Nexus’ Of The Marvel Universe. Wanda has the ability to harness magic, which typically presents itself in telekinesis, telepathy and energy manipulation/projection. (Ant-man in endgame) His Giant Skeleton Became A Post-Apocalyptic City. He Used His Powers To Creep On Ms. Marvel. He Doesn't Lose Any Of His Strength When He Shrinks. But He Does Get Stronger When He Grows! He Has Created A Bunch Of Super-Children. Pym Particles Allow His Body To Travel Through Other Dimensions. His Body Was Too Ripped To Fit In His Costume. His Suit Gives Him Superhuman Agility. He Can Control Pym Particles Using His Mind. (Wasp in endgame) SHE HELPED FIND CAPTAIN AMERICA. MICHELLE PFEIFFER WILL PLAY THE WASP’S MOTHER. SHE ALMOST REPLACED BLACK WIDOW IN THE AVENGERS. SHE’LL BE THE FIRST TITULAR FEMALE SUPERHERO IN THE MCU. SHE HAS LINKS TO CAPTAIN MARVEL. Wasp possesses the power to shrink as small as half an inch and grow to several hundred feet tall. She has been known to shrink further but the negative effects on her body are huge, so it tends to be a last resort. Wasp can also shoot ‘stinger blasts’ from her hands, communicate with other insects via temporary antennae and also fly. (Spiderman in endgame) The Mysterio Costume Was Featured In More Scenes At Jake Gyllenhaal’s Request. Tom Holland Has To Wear A Thong Under The Spider-Man Costume. The Vulture Was Supposed To Appear In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 4. Mysterio’s Suit Is An Actual Motion-Capture Suit. The First Assistant Editor Voiced E.D.I.T.H. The Failure Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Led Spidey Into The MCU. Jake Gyllenhaal Almost Played Peter Parker In Spider-Man 2. (Star-lord in endgame) HIS FATHER IS A DIFFERENT PERSON IN THE MCU. HIS SHIP IS A LIVING BEING. HE ONCE MANIPULATED  THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. HE AGES VERY SLOWLY. HIS SHIP WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM. THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF HIS ELEMENT GUN. HE ONCE BECAME PRESIDENT (OF SPARTAX). HE HAS A COMPLICATED BACKGROUND. (Gamora in endgame) SHE WASN'T A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. SHE'S MORE LINKED TO ADAM WARLOCK THAN STAR-LORD. HER RACE WASN'T ELIMINATED BY THANOS. SHE WAS ACTUALLY VERY LOYAL TO THE MAD TITAN AT FIRST. LIKE NEBULA, GAMORA ALSO RECEIVED CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS. SHE COULD HAVE FOILED THANOS' PLANS BY DESTROYING TWO INFINITY STONES. GAMORA BRIEFLY WIELDED THE TIME STONE. SHE TRIED CLAIMING ANOTHER INFINITY STONE FOR HERSELF. GAMORA ALSO TRIED ENDING STAR-LORD'S LIFE. (Nubula in endgame) Thanos Burns Her And She Barely Stays Alive. She Heals Herself With The Infinity Gauntlet. She Didn't Always Have Her Cybernetic Enhancements. She's One Of The Last Luphomoids. Her Brain Implant Can Absorb Energy. Gamora Shatters Her Body. Even Her Brain Has Been Replaced. She Severs Her Own Arm. She Can Repair Her Own Cybernetics. Her Implants Can Reset Her Joints. (Drax in endgame) At His Largest, He Weighed Over 1,000 Pounds. Drax Is More Grey In The Movies. He Has Extra Powers In The Comics. Jason Mamoa Was Originally Cast In The Role.Dave Bautista Cried After Hearing He Got The Part. His Real Name Is Arthur Douglas. In The Comics, Drax's Family Was Killed By Thanos Instead Of Ronan. His Daughter's Alive In The Comics. (Rocket in endgame) He is Not the First Member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Growing Up in An Animal Shelter. Only Appears 10 Times in the Comic. Has Many Girlfriends. He Has An Otter as His Close Friend. Rocket Raccoon’s Scar in the Film is Related to the Comic (Groot in endgame) He Has The Power Of Elasticity And Plasticity. He Can Rebuild And Regenerate Himself. He Can Lift Thor's Hammer. He Descends From Royalty. He Hunted Humans. He's Possibly The Last Of His Kind. When He Regenerates He Loses His Memory. Vin Diesel Also Voiced Baby Groot. He's Become Venom. He Could Actually Talk In Some Comics. He Was Exiled From Planet X. He Was Captured By S.H.E.I.L.D. Not Everyone Can Understand His Language. He Sacrificed Himself For The Guardians. He Can Control Plants. He Was Evaporated By Thanos' Snap. (Matis in endgame) She Married A Tree. She Joined The Avengers. Her Father Is A Blind Supervillain Named Libra. Mantis Fought Doctor Strange During The Avengers-Defenders War. Mantis Tried To Have An Affair With Vision. Kang The Conqueror Kept Coming Back To The 20th Century Because Of Mantis. Mantis Has Telepathic, Empathic, And Plant Powers. (Doctor Strange in endgame) His Body Is Older Than The Earth Itself He Lost His Left Eye And Dormammu Moved Into His Eye Socket. His Body Is A Living Weapon. He Needs Poisonous Food To Survive. Going To Sleep Puts His Life In Danger. Magic Keeps His Body From Aging. He Lost Most Of Powers When The Hulk Broke His Hands. He Has An Eye In The Middle Of His Forehead. His Body Spends A Lot Of Time Lying Around Helpless.. (Black Panther in endgame) He Is a Leader of the Wakanda Tribe. He Was Married to Storm. His Superpowers Come from a Heart-shaped Herb. He Was Almost Called Coal Tiger. Marvel decided it was best to change the name of a key character from the Black Panther comic who is featured in the film. The character of M’Baku is actually named Man-Ape in the comic, and is often covered in fur and wears an ape mask. I think it’s pretty clear why Marvel thought some viewers might have an issue with that. (Okoye in endgame) Okoye is a fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is played by Danai Gurira. Okoye is the general of the Dora Milaje, Wakanda's elite female bodyguards, while also serving as the head of armed forces and intel. She was born into the Border Tribe, and is the wife of fellow tribesman W'Kabi, who until recently was head of its security. (Bucky in endgame) IN THE COMICS, BUCKY WAS DEAD FOR DECADES. THE ORIGINAL COMICS BUCKY WAS MUCH YOUNGER. HE IS CREDITED WITH OVER 100 ASSASSINATIONS. HE TRAINED BLACK WIDOW. HIS GUNS ARE SPECIALLY MADE FOR HIM. (Valkyrie in endgame) She’s Been A Villain (Kind Of). She Can Sense Death. Her Origin Story Comes Directly From The Norse Völsunga Saga. She's The Last Of The Valkyrior. Her Sword Was Carved From A Dragon's Tooth. (Captian Marvel in endgame) THE CHARACTER WAS CUT FROM JESSICA JONES. SHE ONCE HAD A SPLIT PERSONALITY. HER POWERS WERE STOLEN. SHE WAS FIRED FROM THE DAILY BUGLE. SHE WROTE A BITTER EXPOSÉ ON NASA. SHE’S BEEN STOPPED MULTIPLE TIMES. SHE STRUGGLES WITH ADDICTION.