The Super Mario Bros. series are the most prominent game series of Mario. Super Mario 1 was first released on September 13th, 1985, and it brought a huge shock to Japanese game culture. In this game series, the main goal is to retrieve Princess Peach from the villain Bowser. The game starts with a short clip of Peach getting stolen in a variety of ways (the method is different for each game). In this game, the players can control Mario to reach the flag pole at the end of the map until they reach the final level to fight Bowser. When playing this game, lots of different items come out such as fire flowers, ice flowers, leaf, and super mushroom.

Name: Super Mario Bros
The first Super Mario Bros game was released on September 13th, 1985. When it was released, it received much attention internationally and more than 50 million copies were sold worldwide. The background music from this game was also a revolutionary creation, too.

Name: New Super Mario Bros
The New Super Mario Bros game was released on May 15th, 2006. This game was praised for easy difficulty and preserving the tradition although the gaming console changed. This game was first to have 3D looking Mario; which is a huge difference from the Mario designes in the previous games.

Name: New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
The New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe was released very recently on January 11th, 2019. This game contains lots of different features within the game such as boomerang Mario and baby Peach. It is now also remastered as a Nintendo Switch Version.