
Mario, the most famous character of the Nintendo industry, has reached his 35th birthday. Since the first game Donkeykong, more than 200 games have been created that uses Mario as the main character of the game. Therefore, this website is created to inform people about major game series and to honor the 35th anniversary of the Mario franchise.

The History of Mario Series

Mario is a fictional game character by Shigeru Miyamoto. The first game that Mario debuted was Donkeykong, a game where Mario retrieves princess Peach from the gorilla named Donkey kong. When Donkeykong got very famous globally, the game makers came up with a game series only for Mario called Super Mario. In that particular game, Mario can use special abilities as he consumes special items such as fire flower, and many different games using that basic character was published later on.

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto was born on November 16, 1952, in a small town f Sonobe, Japan. When he was young, he participated in various activities such as drawing, painting, playing baseball, and puppet shows. His family did not own a TV that the only opportunity to encounter visual technology is when he had a trip to Kyoto. Then, when he moved to Kyoto, he was overwhelmed by the technology and culture of the screens. Thus, he graduated from Munici College of Industrial Art & Design. Fortunately, when he was graduated because his father was a friend of Hiroshi Yamauchi, he was able to get a job at Nintendo as a gamer designer. Finally, there, he first created the legendary game that would change the entire game history: Donkeykong on July 9th, 1981.